Robert Carr
Education Consultant
Rob is one of our Consultants who is passionate about education. Before joining Educatus, Rob studied Law at the University of Brighton and later completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Education at the University of Sussex. Rob used that qualification to become a qualified primary school teacher where he took great pleasure in helping others.
Since then, Rob has helped many families from all around the world find education for their children here in the UK. From his time as a teacher, Rob is aware of just how important the transition into a new school can be, especially when that school is in a new country. That is why Rob does everything he can to connect families with the right schools and make each family’s journey, from initial contact to a school place offer, as easy as he can.
Rob believes the best part about working for Educatus is our team -
“Educatus feels like a family where we all work together to solve problems and get the best possible outcomes for the families we are privileged to support.”