Queen’s Gate School

Educatus toured both the junior and senior schools at Queen’s Gate in the summer and could not have received a nicer welcome from the cheerful girls who showed us around their lovely school.

Recently appointed principal Amy Wallace also updated us on her many plans to modernise the school’s facilities, although we felt that the existing period features and décor made the school feel very homely. It is incredible how much has been packed in to these two buildings in South Kensington, from science labs in the basement, up through communal spaces, roof gardens, an impressive dining room and multiple libraries, through to a wonderful suite of art design and technology rooms up on the top floors.

The junior and senior school are in separate buildings, just a short walk apart. Some of the year 6 girls we met had chosen to move to some excellent senior schools in September, but many girls choose to stay on and enjoy all that the senior school has to offer. The school is able to support girls, whichever path they choose.

Whilst sixth form numbers are small the school still offers an impressive array of A-level subjects, with options as diverse as Ancient History and Italian available alongside the core offering.

And whilst complex needs cannot always be supported, girls with mild SEN, or EAL needs, can be helped to integrate into this friendly community.

There is a tangible sense of welcome throughout the school, from pet tortoises in the junior school entrance to teachers wearing rainbow lanyards. There is no formal uniform at Queen’s Gate with many girls in their sports kit on the day we visited.

Queen’s Gate is located in South Kensington with Hyde Park (used by the school for outdoor activities), the Royal Albert Hall and the V&A all within easy distance. The school admits girls from the age of 4 through to 18. It was last inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in 2021 when the quality of the girls’ academic and other achievements, and the quality of personal development were both deemed to be excellent.

What we love at The Educatus Explorer is that Queen’s Gate comes across as, at once both academic and inclusive. All the students we met had been at the school for a number of years; the school manages to be a great landing place for international families whilst retaining a confident and traditional British school feel.

Sarah Brooks

Introducing Sarah Brooks, one of our amazing Senior Education Consultants at Educatus. Since joining us in February 2019, her wealth of knowledge in education and international relocation management has brought immense value to our team.  

Sarah knows firsthand what it's like to live abroad, having embarked on an expat assignment in Switzerland and some shorter periods in France and Germany. Her personal experiences make her the perfect person to reassure and support parents and corporate clients during their moves.  

During her own mission to find the right schooling for her son, Sarah gained a deep understanding of both international and local education systems in the UK, and she developed a keen interest in special educational needs. Eager to expand her expertise, she recently completed specialised training on SEN law in the UK and Understanding Autism.  

Sarah is always pro-active in wanting to further her knowledge and stay up-to-date. Recently, she has started visiting schools more regularly and providing insightful reviews and updates for our Educatus blog. As an extra pair of eyes on the ground, Sarah ensures that families and corporate clients are well-informed about the latest developments in the UK schooling landscape. Her dedication keeps us in the loop, ensuring we stay up-to-date with any changes that may arise. 


ICS London


Knightsbridge School